Kellogg Expiration Date Codes
1/27/2019by admin
Aug 12, 2015 - Learning read expiration codes on Kellogg's products will enable you to determine if your cereal is past its consumption date. Add this to my. Visit the Kellogg Company site, explore our brands’ sites, and more. Check out Kellogg's other sites. Kellogg expiration date codes' Keyword Found Websites. The key is to understand that the expiration date is presented in 'MMDDY' format -- the first two digits represent the month, the next two digits are the day of the month, and the final digit is the year.
- Reading Expiration Date Codes
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Does not have a uniform system of coding expiration dates on food products as of 2010, according to the U.S. Pass the message game examples. Department of Agriculture. The federal government only requires expiration dates on baby foods and infant formula.
Reading Expiration Date Codes
Nutri Grain Bar Expiration Date
Other dating on food products is voluntary. Open dating uses calendar dates and closed, or coded, dating is a process used by manufacturers to help with managing inventory. Closed coding is used on products with longer shelf lives, such as canned and boxed foods. The USDA notes that while closed codes could refer to manufacturing date, the codes are not intended for consumer use and no single translation source exists. Copyright © 2019 Leaf Group Ltd.