The Exorcist Film Cast

1/23/2019by admin
The Exorcist Film Cast

Out of all the horror movies I was planning to watch this month, the one I was looking forward to visiting the most was William Friedkin's 'The Exorcist', but not for the reasons I think you would expect. See, part of the reason why I tend not to watch horror films is because, as mention previously a few times over the past month, I've never found most of them to be particularly scary. Intense, thrilling, and down right disturbing?

The Exorcist Cast Deaths


The Exorcist Facts: *Nominated for 10 Academy Awards (Won for Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Sound) and 4 Golden Globes (Won Best Director, Best Film, Best Sound, and Best Supporting Actress (Linda Blair). *Opened on December 26th, 1973. *It caused widespread hysteria when released. New hindi movies full hd mein.

The Exorcist Film Cast

Often, the answer is yes, but never scary. What I find scary is stuff found within a sorta dream like atmosphere. The idea of being alone in the middle of the night with the constant paranoia laying on top of your •. Avert Your Eyes to Avoid Spoilers NOW! Chris MacNeil (Ellen Burstyn) really should have won the award for Mother Of The Year! Because about the time my kid starts spewing pea soup like Mount Vesuvius, speaking in tongues with the gravelly voice of a 20 pack a day smoker, stabbing their who who's with a crucifix and their head starts spinning around like a top I'M SO OUT OF THERE Clocking in at around 100 mph 'Kung Fu Hustle' style;-) Max von Sydow, Jason Miller and Linda Blair gave the most memorable and chilling performances of their lifetimes!