Walmart Employee Policies And Guidelines

1/27/2019by admin
Walmart Employee Policies And Guidelines
  1. Wal-mart Employees Policy

Wal-mart Employees Policy

Frequently Asked Questions • Conflicts of Interest • • • • • • • • • General • • • Conflicts of Interest - General Maintaining objectivity in our business relationships is essential to earning the trust of our stakeholders and promotingour culture of integrity. A conflict of interest can arise when our business judgment could be influenced, or might appear as being influenced, by the possibility of personal benefit. Even if it’s not intentional, the appearance of a conflict may be just as damaging to your reputation, and Walmart’s reputation, as an actual conflict. • What is considered an ethics concern? An ethics concern is one that involves alleged behaviors or business practices that are inconsistent with one or more of the sections of the Statement of Ethics such as theft, inappropriate conduct, or insider trading. If you are aware of or become aware of a potential ethics concern, please contact Global Ethics so that your concern can be reviewed and handled appropriately. • How will I receive the answer to my question?